To be a good leader, you have to be brave not perfect!

Brave to make decisions!

Remember, decisions may not be perfect, but you have to be brave to stick by it.

Do not be too judgmental about your decisions, else it will stop you from taking decisions or acting.

Do not let anyone convince you that you are not worth it or not capable of taking the right decision.

You must have a level of comfort with your thoughts and the reason why you made a decision, which is very sacred and it is very important to defend your thoughts, they are your sacred ground.

Even if you regard relationship more important than defending your stance, remember, that the person may repeat their behavior and take you for granted, that will create an imbalance in your relationship and you would not be happy anyway.

It is always best to explain your point of view/actions and set boundaries if required with such people.

Here are some powerful phrases/replies to defend your actions:

#SituationAccused ofJustification
1You and another friend or some relative had a fight.
You make your point and mention why you felt or did something
And someone accuses you, that you are breaking the relationship and it is your responsibility to fix itYou say, “he/she is already broken, I cannot spend more time than I have to fix this”
2People make unreasonable asks and you call them outSomeone accuses you , that you are arrogantYou say, “yes I do have arrogance of clarity”
I can clearly see he/she is making awful comments or is acting mean, and you expect me to discuss this with them, but they are not in a frame of mind to understand”
3People say something mean about you or hurt youInstead of telling others how you feel hurt be that ‘x’ person, be direct to them Say ‘ Hey, don’t talk to me like that’ (it shows you in a commanding role/sticking up for yourself)
or ‘Sorry, Who do you think you are, talking to me like that?’
(this shows you don’t take insults/put-downs from others)